SUBMITTED BY: Verity Vincent, Naturopath & Medical Herbalist (BNHM, BCom., BA, DipNut)
PATIENT: 35-year-old female
Client presented with digestive issues - abdominal pain and bloating, especially prior to menses. She also reports heavy menses with clotting, migraines, adult onset hay fever, fatigue, cold extremities and poor circulation. Bloodwork revealed low serum iron and ferritin, low vitamin D, and impaired glucose tolerance. SIBO test results were indicative of bacterial overgrowth affecting the proximal small intestine.
Herbal Formula (200mL)
Withania 1:1 40mL
Rehmania (cured) 1:2 40mLKohekohe 1:2 40mL
Kawakawa 1:2 40mL
Giant Kelp 1:2 20mL
Ginger glycetract 1:2 20mL
DOSAGE: 7.5mL twice daily
Client reports that while taking the herbal formula she noticed a reduction in period and abdominal pain, and less bloating just before menses. In fact she was only aware that her menses was coming because she felt a little tired 3 days leading up to it. Overall her energy levels are better, and repeat iron studies indicate an improvement here.