Posted: February 2022
Author: Phil Rasmussen | M.Pharm., M.P.S., Dip. Herb. Med.; M.N.I.M.H.(UK), F.N.Z.A.M.H.
Kawakawa is one of our most popular native plants, widely used in both Rongoā Māori and western herbal medicine for a wide range of applications. It’s always been one of our favourite plants here at Phytomed!
One of its uses which has received little discussion over the years is its use as a sustaining tonic. Like mānuka, kawakawa leaves were used by early European migrants as a substitute for the Camelia sinensis tea they were used to (1, 2, 3). Transcripts of life in Aotearoa by some of these settlers described this use, which appeared to not only have flavour appeal, but also medicinal properties. Dieffenbach observed settlers mixing it with harakeke root or mānuka, and having diuretic effects (1). Goldie described kawakawa leaf infusion as being used as a tonic by Māori in 1905(3).
One early settler, William Pratt, wrote “our tea, I should remark, was made from the dried leaves of a native shrub, of a very spicy flavour, and known as the kawakawa,…… it made a very agreeable beverage; sugar we had none, but it did not seem to require it. I am convinced it must have possessed very refreshing and sustaining properties, otherwise, I am sure with our sparse diet, and continuous hard work, we could not have maintained such robust health and vigorous strength” (2, 4).
These historical applications suggest the presence of adaptogenic properties for kawakawa, which based also upon reports from regular users of kawakawa tea today, seems likely. Like other adaptogens, it seems to be a good ‘all-rounder’, with anti-inflammatory and other pharmacological actions of protective value to many bodily functions, including digestion, the immune system, and risk of cancer (5).
Unfortunately, to date, there have been no scientific investigations to try and validate such actions. However, since we first started manufacturing and selling our kawakawa liquid extract to practitioners in 1998, and our Kiwiherb Ginger & Kawakawa (Stomach Calm), we’ve received a lot of feedback and verbal testimonials supporting a presence of energising and fatigue-reducing properties, in this amazing local plant.
The Piper genus of plants is one of the most widely distributed plant families in the world, with hundreds of different species. Several of these have a tradition of being used as all-around tonics or for conditions where fatigue is part of the clinical presentation (6, 7). The amide alkaloids piperine and piplartine exhibit possible anti-depressant and central nervous system stimulant activities (8, 9), and while found in very low levels in Piper excelsum, these and other related amides may contribute to such benefits (5).
Leaves of the botanically related betel vine (Piper betel), are often used to wrap areca nuts which are widely chewed and consumed as a stimulant (known as betel quid) throughout Asia and parts of east Africa. However, the stimulant properties come from the areca nut and sometimes added tobacco, and in fact, the betel leaf may help ameliorate the carcinogenic properties of areca nut(10, 11).