Crataeva & Marshmallow for Chemotherapy-induced Bladder Discomfort
This is just one aspect of a very multi-faceted case:
Woman 36 years, on 3rd of 6 cycles of chemotherapy for recurrent breast cancer with secondary tumours in liver and bone.
During 1st round of chemo for original breast cancer 3 years ago, the most significant side effect was bladder discomfort which took one year to settle. This felt like a hot discomfort, worse for sitting, similar to an infection but never became infected. On 4th cycle, bladder starts to ache, pain is worse at night.
Recommended: Increase hydration and commence on an additional tonic of Crataeva & Marshmallow – 5ml up to 4-5 times daily as needed.
After the 6th cycle, patient reports that the tonic has been great, she simply takes it frequently when bladder starts to niggle, and then forgets about it after 3 days because there are no symptoms.
She has now used it on cycles 4 & 5 with good success, and has a repeat for this last cycle.