CASE STUDY: Kūmerahou
SUBMITTED BY: Katie Donnelly
CLIENT: Male, 65 years old
Male presenting with chronic cough, triggered by cold air. Previous cigarette smoker, 35 years ago. The client’s wife has advised that this is worse in the evening, and he will cough throughout the night. She believes this is due to him working outside in the evening for up to 4 hours during winter, as he does not cough in the morning and coughs less throughout the day.
Although shallow and often dry, there is some mucus at the back of the throat that is difficult to shift. Mucus is described as clear. No pain or difficulty breathing, but some chest tightness described during coughing fits. Has seen a general practitioner, who prescribed Buccaline. This provided temporary relief.
No other signs of illness or other symptoms. Gets a cold or flu annually and describes this as lasting up to one week with general symptoms of malaise, cough, congestion, headache. While other symptoms reside, the cough will remain. This can linger for months. Client experienced a ’90-day cough’ five years ago, and now continues to get an annual cough. Otherwise, the client is fit and healthy.
Continues to work in a physical role and eats a balanced diet rich in quality proteins and vegetables. Enjoys regular alcohol, primarily red wine and whisky each evening. No known allergies or intolerances. No medications are being taken. Client had tried a retail herbal product for deep lung support, but it did not relieve symptoms.
HERBAL TREATMENT – Chronic cough blend
Pomaderris kumerahou Kūmerahou 40mL 1:2
Hoheria populnea Hoheria 80mL 1:2
Inula helenium Elecampane 40mL 1:2
Grindelia spp. Grindelia 30mL 1:2
Glycyrrhiza glabra Liquorice 20mL 1:1
Total 210mL
7.5mL twice daily. Take in the late afternoon prior to evening work outside, and again during (if required) or after work. Shake well. Dilute with 30mL of water or juice if needed.
The client has noted significant improvements in reduced cough intensity and frequency. No other changes were made, but were still encouraged for future consideration.
The client was not measuring the dosages accurately, so have suggested a 10mL dose, twice daily if required as it is easier for him. Once he is confident that the cough has resided, he can use the blend acutely as needed.